Restaurant Spotlight: Pammie’s Sammies and Patacon Con Todo


We at MunchEm try to provide as much information and business we can for local Orlando area restaurants. We want our local community to thrive and we feel like we have a certain responsibility to provide for that. In order to drive more business, we have modeled our business around the local community. We have interviewed Pammie’s Sammies and Patacon Con Todo on their restaurants and their experiences with us.

Pammie’s Sammies


Patacon Con Todo

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Why do Tacos get Tuesday?


Taco Calendar

            Why do Tacos get Tuesday? You look on Instagram on Tuesday and everyone is taco crazy, but why are the other days of the week so neglected? Why do we cast them aside? Are they not worthy of their own food? Why is Sundae Sunday not a thing? Why isn’t anybody posting about Meatball Monday or Fried Chicken Fridays? We need to step up and make this happen world! Now that Taco Tuesday is an affirmed part of the week, we shall make every other day have its own food celebration.

Meatball Monday


Meatball Monday: classic Italian fare.

Meatloaf Monday: a quick and easy recipe for you.

Marinade Monday: a little bit looser so that you can make any protein you want.

Tuesday is locked down for Taco Tuesday, so we will leave that one alone.

Waffle Wednesday


Waffle Wednesday: who doesn’t like some brinner?

Watermelon Wednesday: not a viable meal, but grilled watermelon is perfect for that hot day.

Wine Wednesday: again, not a viable food but allows for some people to have some fun while they cook.

Tart Thursday


Tart Thursday: break out your baking skills and make a pie without a lid for once.

Tofu Thursday: not as good as Taco Tuesday, but this meat substitute can be put in to a lot of dishes.

Tomato Thursday: make anything from a marinara sauce to a tomato and mozzarella antipasto, the tomato possibilities are endless.

Filet Mignon Friday


Fried Chicken Friday: a staple in my house and a tradition that dates back to my college days.

French Toast Friday: this delicious breakfast food can be made in to a meal depending on the bread.

Filet Mignon Friday: let’s end the week with a decadent cut of beef.

Sandwich Saturday


Sandwich Saturday: the weekend has begun; let’s make it easy for ourselves.

Sausage Saturday: another classic Italian staple, sausage with peppers and onions. 

Scallop Saturday: let’s mix it up and include this food from the sea.

Sundae Sunday


Shrimp Sunday: another friend from the sea, they can be prepared with or without the heads.

Soup Sunday: you may feel lazy, make a nice and hearty soup to also take to work on Monday.

Sundae Sunday: cap off your week with a decadent sundae to end all sundaes.

It is not fair that Tacos get Tuesday, try this list and mix it up for a change. To order out and customize your own meal options, order through Munchem for Orlando.

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