What Makes a Better Burger?

Word's Best Burger

Word's Best Burger

          It is hard to say definitively what makes a better burger: could it be the taste, the smell, the amount of juices, the way the bun cradles it softly in to your mouth? All of this is subjective, but we here at MunchEm have some tips to make a better burger.


  1. Grind your own beef, buy grass-fed, or buy as fresh as possible.
  2. Weigh your patties to ensure that they are uniform, and you don’t want to end up with that one fat patty.
  3. Season your meat, pepper, garlic powder, or anything you want to add. JUST MAKE SURE TO NOT SALT YOUR BURGERS UNTIL THEY ARE ABOUT TO GO ON THE GRILL.
  4. Don’t season your burgers with salt until they are about to go on the grill.*
  5. Get a thermometer and use it! A temperature to doneness guide can be found here.
  6. Don’t squish the patties in to the grill. You are releasing all of the delicious juices, fat, and flavor.
  7. Get the right bun for the job. If it is a small burger, use a sturdy bun. For juicy burgers, make sure to toast the bun so the juices won’t destroy the base.
  8. Make your burgers how you like them. Don’t let anybody else tell the grill master how to do his or her job.

* Yes we posted it twice because it can really dry out your meat and lead to a weak burger.

If you follow these simple suggestions, you will be grilling up better burgers in one to two attempts. Just remember that grilling is serious business. If you are tired of grilling and need some quick, local food in the Orlando Area, reach out to us. We even have apps for all of your devices!