Foodie History: #TacoTuesday and Beyond


Taco Tuesday  ED

If you love food as much as we do, you’ve used and participated in #TacoTuesday, #WaffleWednesday or even local foodie events like #TastyTuesdays here in Orlando. Have you ever wondered how it all started?

Well, Taco Tuesday was registered as a trademark by Taco Johns in 1989. But things really got going on social media in 2010, when a smaller taco chain in Oklahoma  decided to use the registered trademark. Much to Taco John’s dismay, their attempts to keep use of their own trademark exclusive in social media backfired. Despite this  freedom to use the trademark online,several chains like Florida’s own Tijuana Flats, tried to register the trademark (and failed). And that’s how TacoTuesdaze was born.

In 2010, hashtags spread like wildfire after Twitter started keeping track of their popularity. Around the same time, the foodie revolution reached new heights in its expansion to social media, which brought trending hashtags such as #WaffleWednesday and #TastyTuesdays to life.

So what’s your favorite foodie hashtag?  Let us know!

Restaurant Spotlight: Pammie’s Sammies


Meet Pammie’s Sammies, a quirky and delicious casual cafe that has successfully conquered a common challenge for many amazing local restaurants: being found. In Orlando, it’s easier to find a chain than it is to find your favorite hole-in-the-wall (speaking from personal experience here).

Pammie’s Sammies’ specialty: Delicious, earth friendly, thoughtfully sourced and tastefully adventurous food. Especially sandwiches.

Pammie’s Sammies is located on 5907 Turkey Lake Road, Suite 100 Orlando, Florida 32819, behind the Promenade Office Plaza near Universal Studios. For those of you who are Team Members at Universal Orlando, it’s right next to Team Member Parking.

Here’s what Pammie’s Sammies’ owner Pam Thomas and Director of Yum Blair Thomas  had to say about our services:

Pammie’s Sammies Restaurant Spotlight:

MunchEm: What has been a challenge for you?

Pam: Well, you know our location has been a challenge because we’re a little off the beaten path. It’s become a bit of a joke, like “you can’t see us from the street so stop looking” or “it’s like an Easter Egg hunt”. It’s a long thing: Do you know where Dr. Phillips High School is? Yeah. Well ok, we’re not there. Go across the street from Dr. Phillips High School, do you know where the Hess Station is? Yes. Ok, we’re getting there. And then they still can’t find us.

MunchEm: Has MunchEm helped with this?

Blair: Yes, they have. MunchEm showing our address on the app , people’s ability to search for restaurants based on location on the app and having Pammie’s Sammies show up in their results has helped a lot.

MunchEm: How was your initial experience with MunchEm?

Blair: It was awesome!  The team at MunchEm has been arms wide open with us and helping us/getting us going with customers, not just around us but in outlying areas as well.

MunchEm: Do you have any issues obtaining support?

Pam: I don’t have any trouble getting support. You call and you get a person. It’s an immediate response. We often notice we have something wrong after MunchEm notices.

MunchEm: What do your customers think so far?

Blair: The customers love it. Using MunchEm is fun and different and everyone of our customers loves to play with the app. They say the ordering system is easy and that’s a very important part of the puzzle.

MunchEm: Any closing remarks?

Pam: Munchem is a great additional source for getting orders. It’s new so everyone wants to try it and it’s easy to use. Also, when we get an order through MunchEm, we get the order and a phone call about the order. Which is great because sometimes we don’t see the order come up , but we definitely hear that phone call.

Blair: Munchem’s awesome! You guys rock!

The folks at Pammie’s Sammies work hard to make their food and their service amazing. We here at MunchEm believe that location should not be an obstacle for the great local restaurants our city has to offer.

Follow and like Pammie’s Sammies! And when they’re open ( at 8 AM), order from their super convenient Facebook ordering page!



Restaurant Spotlight: Patacon Con Todo


Meet Patacon Con Todo, a local Colombian food truck turned restaurant.

Their specialty: Delicious pressed and fried plantains, which you can top with everything from chorizo to mushrooms.

Patacon Con Todo is located right across the street from MunchEm HQ at : 6700 Conroy Winderemere Road Ste 105, Orlando, Florida 32835.

Check out this cool video of what Patacon Con Todo owner Andres Jara had to say about our services:

Patacon Con Todo Restaurant Spotlight:

MunchEm: How long have you been in the restaurant business?

Andres : We’ve been in business for six years. We started in a food truck and now we’re actually a restaurant.

MunchEm: How easy was it to get started with MunchEm?

Andres : It was very simple; I gave them my menu. When I least expected it, I already had a website and was listed on the MunchEm app.

MunchEm: How important is technology for restaurants?

Andres: Technology is very important for restaurants. Nowadays, people are on their phones, iphones  or smartphones. It’s as easy as downloading MunchEm or going on my website to get orders from my restaurant now.

MunchEm: Was MunchEm easy to adopt?

Andres: It was easy to adopt. There’s three ways I receive orders: through an app, an email and a phone call.

MunchEm: Is it easy to support?

Andres: It’s really easy, whenever I need to fix something or update my menu, I just give them a call and they’ll fix it instantly.

MunchEm: What are customers saying?

Andres: The other day, I had some clients who ordered and paid online, they came in to pick up their food and all they had to say was that they really enjoyed using the app.

MunchEm: Any closing remarks?

Andres: My goal is to expand and I really believe that MunchEm would help me through this.

Hungry Yet?

Order from Patacon Con Todo on their website!

Or Download their app:

iphone icon android icon

If you love Patacon Con Todo as much as we do (what’s not to love?), like them on Facebook and follow on Instagram.

Cooking is Hard!


Homer Simpson proves that cooking is hard

You just had a long day at work, the boss was going crazy, you forgot to include something in your report and it messed up the conference call. Do you want to come home and slave over a hot stove? No. You want to unwind with a hot bubble bath and eat some delicious local food.

Now that is only one hypothetical situation, but let’s just all come to the collective realization that cooking food is hard, especially if it is for more than one person. Not only is it hard, but also the tools are expensive and you need a multitude of tools to cook. You need a heat source, a cooking surface, utensils, towels, dish soap, dishes, food, and most importantly the knowledge to cook the food. You aren’t going to try to sauté some meatloaf.

Now when you use MunchEm, you are only required to use a couple of tools: a smartphone, our app, money, and a way to get the food. Boom! It’s as simple as that. You do not have to spend years in culinary school in order to get some grub. Remember, why do something complex when something simple will suffice and yield the same, if not better, results.

Cooking is hard and expensive; learn to order with us instead. Munchem is exclusively in Orlando but we are trying our hardest to expand to other areas!