Dear Restaurants: OrderEm Can Help


Getting a little crowded in your dining area? Don’t let long lines or crowded seating limit your kitchen. Expand your takeout business by accepting orders through your website, Facebook page, or free custom app. Customers can order ahead and pay online, so you can focus on what you do best – crafting quality food.

With OrderEm, you can easily connect with your fans. Update the order status or expected completion time to automatically notify the customer. Link to your blog and social media feeds. Post your upcoming schedule of events, hours, and directions to your restaurant. You can even send out push notifications for special offers with your free custom app.

And our search engine optimization (SEO) strategies will help get you listed on the first search results page, so your restaurant gets discovered more often.


Our system allows you to accept orders 24/7, so you don’t need to be open to receive an order for a future time. Of course, we’ll make sure they know that orders can only be filled when your kitchen is open.

Manage your orders from any smartphone with the OrderEm app – get notifications, view full order details and history, even update the expected completion time, all free.

Restaurants are dynamic – your online presence should be too. Add or edit pages and content whenever you want, in real-time. With OrderEm, you’ll have all the tools you’ll need to manage custom apps and web pages, regardless of your technical experience.

Get on the map! Turn-by-turn directions provided by Google Maps deliver customers straight to your door.

Set up and manage multiple delivery zones independently – Encourage nearby customers with cheap (or free) delivery, and charge a little more for deliveries to more distant areas.


Put your restaurant online with a free custom website, or add online ordering to your current website for free. Use your page to keep your customers engaged with current menus, specials, photos, and more. Connect your blog and social media.

Set up shop in the App Store and on Google Play – Build a free app customized to match your brand. Accept online orders, post blog updates, and send out push notifications so your customers are always in the loop.

Share the Like. Let your customers order what they see right from your Facebook page, using the same system they’ll love on your website and app. And when they’re done there, they can post their order to their entire network of friends, bringing your brand to new customers.



How does Google Google? Do you know how search engines find all those great sites? We do, and we’ll use that to help you. All of the pages we design feature Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to help bring your restaurant to the top of the search results. Get ready to get discovered.

Want more exposure for your app or website? We can help you prepare customized marketing tools to get the word out to potential customers. Whether you just want a download link added to your paper menu or something bigger, we can get you started.

Plan to compete with the big boys? Us too. We’ll help level the playing field in the technology department while you keep kicking butt in the kitchen. You’ve already decided you want to receive orders online. Want to add tablets at every table? Yeah, we can do that.


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