Foodie History: #TacoTuesday and Beyond


Taco Tuesday  ED

If you love food as much as we do, you’ve used and participated in #TacoTuesday, #WaffleWednesday or even local foodie events like #TastyTuesdays here in Orlando. Have you ever wondered how it all started?

Well, Taco Tuesday was registered as a trademark by Taco Johns in 1989. But things really got going on social media in 2010, when a smaller taco chain in Oklahoma  decided to use the registered trademark. Much to Taco John’s dismay, their attempts to keep use of their own trademark exclusive in social media backfired. Despite this  freedom to use the trademark online,several chains like Florida’s own Tijuana Flats, tried to register the trademark (and failed). And that’s how TacoTuesdaze was born.

In 2010, hashtags spread like wildfire after Twitter started keeping track of their popularity. Around the same time, the foodie revolution reached new heights in its expansion to social media, which brought trending hashtags such as #WaffleWednesday and #TastyTuesdays to life.

So what’s your favorite foodie hashtag?  Let us know!

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