Smart Phone Apps And Your Restaurant


money cake

As a small business, you may be skeptical of what you really get out of having our smart phone app will do for your restaurant. We get that. You want to increase your bottom line and any investment, no matter how big or small needs to help you do that. Isn’t a website enough? What about a website and social? While these features certainly do help you out, having these in conjunction with an app helps to increase your return on investment (ROI) .

Here’s why:

1) Customers will have an easy way to find you- 81% of users who uses smart phones (that’s 58% percent of Americans according to PEW) find restaurants through an app. Wouldn’t you want those people to find your restaurant?

2) Having a smart phone app helps your marketing– Having an app gives your that extra boost you need on mobile devices. With an app, you’re basically expanding your marketing strategy.

3) Apps are better than mobile websites- Apps are easy to use and fun! That’s why they’re so popular today. Ordering online has become a restaurant industry trend recently, so you can imagine the power of putting apps and online ordering together.

MunchEm HQ is full of foodies who want to make getting your amazing food easier for everyone. Let us help you.

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