So your Restaurant has an App… Now What?


According to the Pew Research Center, more than 58% of Americans own a smartphone as of January 2014. After the release of the latest iPhone, the number is estimated to be around 67%. This means that over half of Americans have access to your restaurants app, depending on your development. This is an astounding market.


That is a lot of potential customers. You have your development team construct an app, or you have someone local build it for you. You have this awesome, streamlined app, like the ones we build here at MunchEm, and now you need to market it.


Here are a couple of ways to get it out there to your customers:


OrderEm online ordering custom websites and custom apps

At OrderEm we deliver high-quality restaurant websites, apps, and online food ordering.

Advertise it near the entrance or on the windows.

It is easy to make a poster, or have one printed. Put the details about your app and stick it on the door so it is at eye level. You want your app to be front and center, it will allow your customers to carry around your restaurant with them.

Put something on the table!

If you put something on the table, whether it be a paper tent, or a flip stand with specials and app details on it, put something on the table to show your customers that you have an app. Make it clean, front and center.

Implement some space on your menu.

Include your app on your menu. If you decide to put it in there, put it on the first couple of pages, preferably on the front, in the lower third. Include any details you want: i.e., platform, what a person can do with it, QR code.

Distribute it nearby.

Are there any hotels near your restaurant? Go to them and ask if you can leave them some flyers on their front desk, or hand out flyers to their guests.


Remember that your app can be used for a variety of things, but should be used primarily for to-go ordering. You cannot supplement your app for sit-down business, but you can bolster your business in general with it.

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