Your restaurant website has a blog. What should be on it?


You have a website for your restaurant, either made by you or by our services, and one of the pages is a blog. Most of your competition will fail to utilize this amazing resource and you should take this opportunity to blow them away.

            So the day is over, the grill is clean, all the workers have left, and you’ve just gotten home. You pull up a word document to start writing and… nothing. What are you going to write about; what should you write about? Well, our writers at MunchEm are here to help you. If you follow this guide, you will not only provide content to increase your visibility on the Internet, but you will also provide information to new and old customers alike.

Employee of the Month Comic

You have that one employee, why not write a post about them?

Menu Item Descriptions

            Do you have a camera phone and followed our guide on how to take awesome food photos? You can take some awesome photos of your food, and make a write up on them. Describe them: the ingredients, how you cook it, where you got the idea to make the dish. Make the customer salivate, make them want to come in to your place. For each post, I would include 2-3 items; just don’t do your entire menu in one post. Split it up and spread them out.

Answer Questions about your Restaurant

            If you write about your restaurant, where you came from, the trials you have faced: you will get a personable connection with your customers. This will make your place seem more than brick and mortar. While this is not a question, it does make you personable. Also, post a FAQ (frequently asked questions) list. Maybe you have vegan options, why would you include them? Just answer some common questions people have about your place.

Businesses you Work With

            Do you love your produce supplier? Is there a restaurant next door that has some awesome drink specials? Then give them a shout out on your blog. Write about them, your experience with them.

“Employee of the Month” Stories

            You have that stellar employee that is always going above and beyond, why not write a feature article on them? They’ve worked really hard, interview them, and show them appreciation. This will also make your business extremely personable.

Tune in to your Community

            You are a local restaurant and are probably involved with your community. Why not write about that? Theme items on your menu to correspond with things going on in the community. This immediately links you to your surroundings. Maybe there is a 5k and you are a sponsor, make a blog post about that.

The important thing to remember when writing a blog is to keep it consistent. Always write in the same voice and keep it lax, your customers are the audience reading this. If you like this blog post, make sure to keep reading our other posts.

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